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LightFlow supports WebVTT subtitles for DASH, HLS and Microsoft Smooth Streaming packaged content. To include them in the generated stream, enable DASH, HLS and/or Microsoft Smooth Streaming packaging and provide as many subtitle entries as required (one per language):

  • URL of the webVTT subtitle file
  • language code
  • description label

curl -XPOST '' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{ \
      "parameters": { \
          "input": { \
              "urlPath": "", \
              "subtitles": [ \
                { \
                  "lang": "en", \
                  "label": "English", \
                  "input": { \
                    "urlPath": "" \
                  } \
                }, {\
                  "lang": "es", \
                  "label": "EspaƱol", \
                  "input": { \
                    "urlPath": "" \
                  } \
                } \
              ] \
            }, \
            "output": { \
              "packaging": { \
                "hls": true, \
                "mpegdash": true \
              } \
            }, \
            "perceptual-quality": { \
              "h264": { \
                  "maxBitrate": 8000, \
                  "minBitrate": 250, \
                  "maxResolution": 1080, \
                  "targetQuality": 100 \
                } \
            } \
      } \
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