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Saving and Loading Presets

Each Kraken is configured by users' selecting and setting values of applicable system settings, such as transcoder and stream settings and the stream destination. Presets provide a way for you to save groups of settings and recall these configurations settings to apply to other streams.

Configuration settings saved as the "startup" preset will continue to be used after a reboot, or when the unit is turned off and on. You can also direct the system to apply a preset to restore settings when the system startup process performs the configuration autoload. 

From the Presets page, you can view the list of saved presets, load a saved preset, and save the current settings as a preset. You can also view the contents of a preset file, delete a preset, and select the preset to load at startup.


Preset Autosave is enabled by default on new installations. This feature is designed to help users who have not saved their configurations into presets, to prevent loss of configuration settings when signing out, rebooting, or if the power is disconnected on their units. If you disable the preset Autosave, you will have to manually save your preset configurations.  

If the preset Autosave function has been disabled, an amber warning indication will appear next to the Device Presets dropdown (in the header) on systems with unsaved configurations.


The stream state (started/stopped) is not saved in presets, and therefore, manually starting or stopping the stream does not trigger the warning indication. When Kraken reboots, loads, or saves a preset, the stream uses the Auto-Start value and not the actual stream state (i.e., if it was started or stopped manually with the Start/Stop button).

To view and manage presets:

  1. From any page, click Device Presets dropdown in the header.
    The dropdown menu opens.
  2. If Autosave is off, click Save to save changes made to the current preset. If Autosave is on (as shown above), the Save function is disabled. 
  3. To save the current configuration as a new preset, click Save As... from the dropdown menu.
    The Save Preset As panel opens. Type in a unique name for the preset in Name field (otherwise, a default name in the format shown below will be applied) and click Save.

    If Autosave is enabled, this preset will be set as the startup configuration automatically. If Autosave is disabled, select the preset from the startup configuration dropdown ('At startup, Kraken will load').


    New installations will automatically create an empty startup preset called 'New Preset,' which you can configure. 

  4. To apply an existing preset, click or hover over Load.
    1. The preset preview panel opens. 
    2. Select any of the available presets, or click View All Presets to select a preset that is not listed in the preview.
    3. Click Load on the preset loading panel to replace the current configuration with the selected preset.
  5. To access the preset manager, click Manage Presets.
    The Preset Manager panel opens displaying the list of saved presets.
    1. The startup preset will have Startup indicated next to the preset name. 
      The first preset that is created will automatically be set as the startup preset. 
    2. The 
      indicates which preset is currently loaded. 
    3. To enable or disable preset Autosave, toggle Autosave on or off.
    4. To save the current configuration as a separate preset, click New Preset.
  6. To load an existing preset into the current session, click the vertical ellipsis menu in the preset row and click Load.

    From this menu you can also:
    1. Click Rename to rename an existing preset. 
    2. Click Save to apply any present changes to a defined preset. 
    3. Click Duplicate to duplicate an existing preset. The duplicated preset will not load automatically. 
    4. Click Export to download the preset as a text file to view or export to Kraken transcoders.
    5. Click Delete to delete the preset.
  7. To select an existing preset to load at startup, select a preset from the dropdown menu.

  8. To import a preset, for example, from another Kraken transcoder:
    1. Click Import and drag and drop or browse to select the file.
    2. When you see the filename in the text box, click Import again.
    3. The imported preset will not be loaded automatically. To load the imported preset, find it in the preset list, and click
      , then click Load.  
  9. To delete one or more existing preset(s), check the checkbox(es) in the preset row(s) and click Delete.


    You cannot delete the currently loaded preset. If you wish to delete this preset, you must load another existing preset first.

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