Password Requirements
For details on administrative adjustment of password settings via configuration file, please contact your Haivision representative.
Password Length and Complexity
Kraken can be configured by an administrator to enforce password length and complexity requirements when changing passwords of existing user accounts, or creating a new Kraken local user. Password requirements include:
minimum length of 15 characters
at least one lower case character: a .. z
at least one upper case character: A .. Z
At least one number: 0 .. 9
at least one special character from the set: ! @ # $ % ^ & *
Passwords may be up to 80 characters and composed of any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters, e.g., "CXAdminManager123!".
Password Lifecycle
Successive changes or modifications to a Kraken local user password have rules which are configurable by an administrator.
Configurable Password Lifecycle features include:
- Enforcing a minimum number of character changes between successive passwords
- Preventing reuse of old passwords over a configurable number of password generations
- Enforcing a minimum and maximum password lifespan (to prevent changing when within the minimum, and force changing when past the maximum)