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Kraken Edge (S-KR-SFF / S-KR-SFF-XC)


The Kraken Edge is still supported by Haivision, but is no longer for sale.  
For users looking for a similar product, see the Kraken Edge Rev B. The Edge Rev B maintains similar features to the original Kraken Edge, with enhanced hardware capabilities. 

Physical Specifications - Kraken Edge Base Transcoding System (S-KR-SFF-XC) and Base Media System (S-KR-SFF)
Dimensions (H x W x D)182.00 mm H x 36.00 mm W x 178.56 mm D
(7.16 in. H x 1.42 in. W x 7.03 in. D)

3.04 lbs (1.38 kg)


The weight depends on the configuration ordered and the manufacturing variability.

Power Supply130 W, 4.5 mm (for 35 W CPU)
Temperature Operating: 10°C–35°C (50°F–95°F)
Non-Operating: -40ºC to 65ºC (-40ºF to 149ºF)
Relative humidity (maximum) Operating: 20% to 80% (non-condensing)
Non-Operating: 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
Vibration (maximum)Operating: 0.26 GRMS random at 5 Hz to 350 Hz
Non-Operating: 1.37 GRMS random at 5 Hz to 350 Hz
Shock (maximum) Operating: Bottom half-sine pulse with a change in velocity of
50.8 cm/sec (20 in./sec)
Non-Operating: 105G half-sine pulse with a change in velocity
of 133 cm/sec (52.5 in./sec)
Altitude (maximum) Operating: 3048 m (10,000 ft)
Non-Operating: 10,668 m (35,000 ft)

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