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Testing the Installation

At this point, the installation is complete and can be tested. 

  1. Select Streaming from the sidebar, and then go to the Inputs tab. 
  2. From the Inputs List view, click the Add Input button to add an input. 
  3. The Add Input panel opens:
  4. Fill in the necessary parameters. Be sure to select a Source that is applicable for your system, for example, "TS over UDP", "GigE Vision" or "ST2110."
  5. Click Add Input
  6. Still in Streaming, go to the Transcoders tab. 
  7. Click the Add Transcoder button. The Add Transcoder panel opens: 
  8. On the "Encoder" drop-down, select either "Software" or the "Hardware (QSV)" encoder.
  9. Fill in the remaining parameters, select your preferred settings, and click the Add Transcoder button. 
  10. Set up and start a transcoding session with the device of interest to test it.

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