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Streams List View

The Streams List View displays a status icon along with the Stream Name, Input, Transcoder, and Output(s) for each defined stream. It also provides options for you to start, stop or delete a stream.

To open the Streams List View:

  1. Click the 

    Streaming Icon
    Streaming icon on the toolbar, and then click Streams on the sidebar.
    The Streams List View opens, as shown in the following example.

  2. From here, you can perform the following tasks: 
    • To add a stream, click the 
      Plus Icon
      Add button.
    • To view details or modify the components of a stream, click a line in the table to open the Streams Detail View.
    • To change the status for a stream, click the drop-down list under Actions and select either Start/Stop (as applicable) or Delete.
  3. To apply your changes, click Apply.

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