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Status Settings

The following table lists the Status settings. Status information can be useful for troubleshooting and may be forwarded to Haivision Technical Support if you are requesting technical support.

Status SettingDescription/Values
CPU UsageThe combined CPU usage (across all cores). [100% minus the percentage of time the CPU remains idle.]
Memory UsageThe total RAM usage in percentage% (does not include swap space = 0).
System UptimeThe length of time (dd:hh:mm:ss) the appliance has been “up” and running.
Kraken VersionThe Kraken firmware version, e.g., v2.6- XXXXX
HEVC EncodingWhether the HEVC Encoding license is enabled or disabled.
MPEG-2 EncodingWhether the MPEG-2 Encoding license is enabled or disabled.
ST2110 InputWhether the ST2110 Input license is enabled or disabled.
GigE Vision InputWhether the GigE Vision Input license is enabled or disabled.
NDI InputWhether the Network Device Interface Input license is enabled or disabled.
KLV optionWhether the KLV pass-through license is enabled or disabled.
Streams allowedThe number of HD/SD H.264 channels licensed.
Bypass allowedThe number of bypass streams licensed.
Active stream loadThe system load based on the Stream license. Each active Transcode Stream counts against the Active Stream Load.  When Bypass Streams is unlicensed, each active Bypass Stream also counts against the Active Stream Load.
Active bypass loadThe system load based on the Bypass license. When Bypass Streams is licensed, each active Bypass Stream counts against the Active Bypass Load. This status value is available when Bypass Streams is licensed.
Load calculated based onThe rules that describe the load calculation.
Enable debug logging

Set to On or Off to enable or disable transcoder debug logging.


Enabling transcoder logs may affect system performance and should not be used in production. We recommend that transcoder logs be used for debugging purposes only, under the guidance of Haivision Technical Support.
Transcoder logs are Off by default and can be turned On/Off individually for each stream with a button in the Stream Statistics page.

If you disable debug logging, streams with logs previously enabled will be restarted.

System Snapshot

Displays a snapshot of system information in a new window. See Taking a System Snapshot.


Reboots the transcoder. See Rebooting Kraken.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.