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Managing User Accounts


The Accounts pages are available to administrators only (i.e., users assigned Administrator role). From here, administrators can create and manage user accounts for Kraken (including their own accounts).

The My Account page is available to users assigned either Operator or Viewer roles to change their own account password. For information, see Changing Your Password.

From the Accounts pages, administrators can create, delete and modify user accounts for the Web interface.

An account can be allocated to each user of the system so that the identity of the user can be uniquely determined. Kraken provides three predefined account roles to assign privileges to users: Administrator, Operator and Viewer. For details, see Role-based Authorization.

To view and configure user accounts:

  1. On the Administration page, click Accounts on the sidebar.
    The Accounts List View opens, displaying the list of defined user accounts. 

    The Accounts List View displays the Name, Role, and State for each account. In the current release, the State is either "Active", "Locked" or "Disabled". 
  2. To view or modify user account details, click the account link in the table to open the Account Settings page. For details, see Account Management.
  3. To add a new account, click the 
    Plus Icon
    Add  button. For details, see Account Management.
  4. To disable or re-enable an account, click the drop-down list under  Action and select either:
    1. Disable (if the account is Active or Locked) or
    2. Enable (if the account is Locked or has previously been disabled for inactivity)
  5. To apply your changes, click Apply. The changes will take effect immediately.


To delete an account, click the drop-down menu under Action and select Delete.

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