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KB Encoder/Transcoder


Welcome to the documentation for Haivision® KB Encoder/Transcoder, your device to stream live events and broadcast channels over the Internet for delivery to desktops, mobile devices, and set-top boxes. KB combines HEVC encoding with advanced bandwidth controls to optimize both uplink and Internet delivery of 4K ultra-high definition (UHD) adaptive bitrate (ABR) video streams.

What’s New

  • Added image overlay feature for baseband inputs that can been enabled/disabled while the channel is running.

  • Added support for multiple audio channels with local recordings.

  • Added option to disable embedded closed captions in HLS outputs.

  • Added EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag support for HLS outputs.

  • Added ability to sort channels in the Channel Control Center.

  • Added option to add a device label to the browser tab and title bar.

  • Added support for mode and hostname values in SRT Caller stream ID.

  • Added KB model name and service tag number to System Activity administration page.

  • For HLS outputs, advanced options to disable discontinuities in playlist.

  • Added display of video encoder type on Channel Configuration Screen.

  • Added option in the FTP Upload Destination settings to use the original filename during uploads (instead of a temporary .part extension).

If you are having issues uploading to Akamai, try checking this new Use filename during upload checkbox.

  • For KB Mini and KB Max appliances, changed the default value for the enable_sw_decode custom parameter to true for network inputs.

  • Updated to SRT version 1.4.3.

  • Added support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in KB web server.

Available Documentation



Release Notes

Includes important release information. Available on the Haivision Support Portal.

Important Notice

Provides initial setup and default passwords. Shipped with the appliance or available on the Haivision Support Portal.


Includes KB appliance comparison, physical specifications, and ordering information. Available by request at

Provide the steps required to install and connect the applicable hardware appliance.

KB5.9 Software-Only Installation Guide.pdf

Assists in installation of software on user-supplied hardware.

KB5.9 User's Guide.pdf

Explains how to navigate and use the web interface.

KB5.9 API Integrator's Reference.pdf

Documents the APIs necessary for creating your own interface or integrating into an existing application.

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