The Activity Feed tab in the Admin Area allows you to view past notifications and action history of your organization. See Activity Feed Entries for a list of reported events.
Admin accounts can see all activity in the Activity Feed. Other account types see edited messages (for example, user names are hidden) or limited messages depending on the groups they are assigned.
To view the activity feed:
Click Admin Area on the sidebar.
Click the Activity Feed tab.
A list of past notifications appear with the following controls to allow you to customize your view:
Click the notification type buttons (Users, Appliances, Streaming, On-Demand, and Alerts) to only show those selected notification types in the list.
Clicking the button opens a text box to search the activity feed for various information (device name, group name, and pairing code name).
Select how you wish to sort the list, ascending or descending by date.
Use the Duration dropdown to show only notifications from today, yesterday, past week, past 30 days, or past 60 days.
Also, at the bottom of the notification list are page controls:
Click the page numbers or the or icons to change the notification page.
Select the number of notifications to show on each page.
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