Click the icon next to the appliance you wish to edit.
Depending on the type of appliance selected, different settings are available:
Editable settings for Makito appliances are:
Appliance Name
Pro, Air, Rack, MoJoPro
Editable settings for Pro, Air, Rack, and MoJoPro appliances are:
Phone Number
Editable settings for StreamHub are:
Streaming Address: Specifies a custom address or domain name for video streams instead of the existing appliance address. This address or domain will be used by Hub 360 to create video routes and transmissions to this StreamHub. This allows you to:
create video routes between StreamHub and other appliances that are present on the same private network (using private IP addresses), and
create video routes to StreamHubs where these appliances are hidden behind custom IP addresses or domains configured by your IT department.
Edit the settings as desired.
Click the Apply Changes button.
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