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Appliance Network Requirements for Use in Hub 360

To connect your appliances to your Hub 360 organization, the appliances and their versions must support connection to Hub 360 (see Supported Appliances and Versions) and your appliances must meet the following network requirements.


Additional network requirements apply to your appliance for other features. This table only lists specific requirements for use in Hub 360. Please see the Haivision Security Guide available on the Support Portal.

Appliance TypeApplicationProtocolDirectionPortNotes
Makito Encoder/DecoderMQTT broker for pairing with Haivision Hub 360TCPOutgoing8883Access to the following URL:
Makito Encoder/DecoderSSH tunnel connectionTCPOutgoing5022Access to IPs and
Makito EncoderSRT connections to StreamHub destinations when using Hub 360UDPOutgoing9000-90xxThe port number increments for each SRT stream starting at 9000
Makito EncoderSRT connections to Makito DecodersUDPOutgoing14900-149xxThe port number increments for each SRT stream starting at 14900
Makito DecoderSRT connections from Makito EncodersUDPIncoming14900-149xxThe port number increments for each SRT stream starting at 14900
Air, Pro, Rack, MoJoProPairing with Haivision Hub 360 to acquire SST endpointTCPOutgoing443Access to the following URL:
Air, Pro, Rack, MoJoProConnection between video transmitter and Haivision Hub 360 through SST endpointUDPOutgoingConfigured by Hub 360Access to the following URL: *
Air, Pro, Rack, MoJoProConnection to StreamHubUDPOutgoing7900+

Base port 7900 used for pairing (Default, configurable)
7900+1 for traffic

StreamHub and Cloud StreamHubPairing and sending commands with Haivision Hub 360TCPOutgoing443Access to the following URL:
StreamHub and Cloud StreamHubAccessing user interfaceTCPIncoming443
StreamHub and Cloud StreamHubSRT connections from Makito Encoders sourcesUDPIncoming9000-90xxThe port number increments for each SRT stream starting at 9000

1. 1 to 16 corresponding to the input number used in the StreamHub. For example, if the transmitter connects to input 5 and the base port is 7900, the port 7905 shall be open.

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