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Managing Sent Invitations

After inviting a user to your organization, you may resend or revoke the invitation on the User screen.

Resending an Invitation

To resend an invitation:

  1. Locate the user in the user list.
  2. Click the
    More Options
    icon, and click Resend Invite.
  3. Confirm you wish to resend the invite by clicking the
    Email icon

The selected user is sent a new invitation email.

Revoking an Invitation

To revoke an invitation:

  1. Locate the user in the user list.
  2. Click the
    More Options
    icon, and click Revoke Invite.
  3. Confirm you wish to revoke the invitation by clicking the
    Delete icon

The invitation sent to the user no longer works if the user clicks on the link in the invitation email. To reinvite the user, see Inviting a User to an Organization.

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