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Accepting an Invitation

After being invited to Hub 360 by your organization's admin, check your email inbox for an invitation.

  1. In the resulting email, click the Sign In to Hub 360 button.
    Invitation Email
  2. A new browser tab opens to Hub 360.
    • If you already have an account, enter your password to sign in. You now have access to the organization depending on the role granted to your account. You can skip the rest of the steps on this page.
    • If you do not have an account on Hub 360, an "Account Sign up" dialog box appears and first you must verify your email address. Your email address is prepopulated, so click the checkbox and click the Accept Terms and Verify button.
      Account Sign Up
  3. Check your email inbox to find a verification code.
    Verification Code Email
  4. Copy this code and enter it into the Code textbox. Then click the Verify Code button.

    Verify Email


    If too much time passes and your code expires, click the Send New Code button to send a new code to your email address.

  5. Enter account details including desired password. Ensure you follow the indicated password requirements.
    Account Details
  6. Click the Create button.

Congratulations! You now have access to manage and control your organization's Haivision devices depending on the role granted to your account. You start your Hub 360 experience with the option of taking a guided tour:

Guided Tour

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