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Understanding Roles

Hub 360 uses role-based access control to help you manage who has permission to what actions on which resources. A role consists of a group of actions that a user can perform on a resource. The types of roles that can be assigned are:

  • Admin — Admins can manage and configure users, groups, appliances, and so on. They have access to all settings and features.
  • Engineer — Engineers can manage appliances, master control and its streams. They can change settings and configurations.
  • Operator — Operators can view appliances and master control and manage streams. They can connect sources to destinations.

Permissions by Role

(tick) = Full Access
(info) = View Only
(error) = No Access

Dashboard (tick) (tick) (tick)
Appliances List (filter/search/details) (tick) (tick) (info)
Pair/Unpair Appliances (tick) (tick) (error)
Add/Delete Cloud StreamHubs (tick) (tick) (error)
Appliance Settings (tick) (tick) (info)
Manage Standalone Streams Panel (add/edit/delete) (tick) (tick) (info)
Manage Routes Panel (add/edit/delete) (tick) (tick) (info)
Manage Pairing Codes (add/edit/delete) (tick) (tick) (error)
Master Control
Master Control (filter/search/details) (tick) (tick) (info)
Manage Sources and Destinations (add/edit/delete) (tick) (tick) (info)
Connect Sources to Destinations (tick) (tick) (tick)
Manage Streams (add/edit/delete) (tick) (tick) (info)
Manage Routes (add/edit/delete) (tick) (tick) (info)
Configure Settings (tick) (tick) (info)
Admin Area
Usage and Consumption (tick) (error) (error)
Users List (tick) (error) (error)
Invite Users (tick) (error) (error)
Change User Roles (tick) (error) (error)
Keys (tick) (error) (error)
Groups (tick) (error) (error)
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