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Release Notes 1.10.123

Haivision Hub Release 1.10.124 Update – March 12th, 2021

Component Versions

  • Hub:

  • Hub API: 1.0.50

  • Admin App: 1.0.5

This latest release to Haivision Hub introduces:

  • Performance enhancements for route API operations.
  • Failed routes can now be stopped/started from both route list &route view.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected an issue where some users received a 500 "Page not found" error while trying to accept an invitation to a new subscription.
  • Minor UI updates and bug fixing, including:
    • Page can now be found when redirected from email subscription access request.
    • User is no longer redirected to the 500 page when there's an error in the start-route API call.
    • In the Routes List, using the bulk action to stop a single route with 'StoppingIncomplete' status no longer fails

Known Limitations

  • FEC specific telemetry is not supported.

  • RTP status is not correctly updated.

  • TS over UDP hublets report status connected irrespective of the input signal.

  • Routes in StoppingIncomplete state can only be stopped individually

  • Instant bitrate displayed in the topology view is not accurate for internal connections.

  • Connection state for internal connections is not correctly updated when there is no input signal.

  • SRT output hublet connection state does not return to "Connecting" when there is no input signal.

  • Subscription selector for admins – the number of routes is not updated.

API Release:

What’s new:

  • Hub API - HubletTelemetryPropertyDTO schema - section is now a string (used to be enum).

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