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Release Notes 1.10.122

Haivision Hub Release 1.10.122 Update – February 25th, 2021

Component Versions

  • Hub:

  • Hub API:

  • Admin App: 1.0.4

This latest release to Haivision Hub introduces the Preset Creator, an Admin tool to simplify the creation and management of transcoder presets. 


  • Introducing the Preset Creator in the Admin Section to create and manage transcoder presets. This feature will be added to customers' subscriptions over the next few days.

  • Our Digital Adoption Platform is being rolled out to customer subscriptions to provide tutorials and assist new users in becoming familiar with the system.
  • UAE North region added for normal use.

  • We have improved the error reporting for cases where users attempt to authenticate with a single sign-on identity provider (SSO IdP) different that the one that is registered. For example, the customer is registered with their Azure AD account, but attempts to authenticate with Google.

Bug Fixes

  • Minor UI updates and bug fixing.

Known Limitations

  • The message, "Page cannot be found", is displayed briefly when an Admin approves a new user joining the Hub subscription.

  • RTP FEC specific telemetry is not supported.

  • RTP status is not correctly updated.

  • TS over UDP hublets report status connected irrespective of the input signal.

  • Routes in Stopping/Incomplete state can only be stopped individually.

  • Instant bitrate displayed in the topology view is not accurate for internal connections.

API Release:

  • No customer facing changes.

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