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Release Notes 1.10.121

Haivision Hub Release 1.10.121 Update – January 27th, 2021

Component Versions

  • Hub:

  • Hub API:

  • Admin App: 1.0.3

This latest release to Haivision Hub focuses on further enhancements to the Billing Dashboard as well as tweaking error messaging for clarity and possible resolutions.


  • We’ve improved the error messages for the following Claiming a new Subscription workflows:

    • User attempts to use a claim code that has already been redeemed.

    • User authenticates with a domain name that does not match the email domain specified in the Service Agreement (for codes associated to organizations).

    • User authenticates with a email email address that does not match the email specified in the Service Agreement (for codes associated to personal accounts).

  • We have updated the Billing Dashboard to include:

    • Support for the “same region” billing tier for new contracts.

    • Support to display ranges based on customer’s individual contract billing cycle start/end dates.

    • Other UI improvements.

Known Limitations

  • RTP FEC specific telemetry is not supported.

  • RTP status is not correctly updated.

  • TS over UDP hublets report status connected irrespective of the input signal.

  • Routes in StoppingIncomplete state can only be stopped individually.

  • Instant bitrate displayed in the topology view is not accurate for internal connections.

  • Number of routes is not updated on the Subscription Selector for Admins.

API Release:

  • No customer facing changes.

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