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Real-Time Transcoder Parameters

The following table lists the Real-Time Transcoder parameters:

Basic Parameters

Transcoder Setting


Hublet Name

Enter a unique name for the Hublet. This name will be selectable from the list of Hublets when you define a stream.

Encoder Preset NameEnter a unique name for the preset.
Encoding Parameters

Transcoder Setting


Video Bitrate

Type in the Video Bitrate in kbps for the outbound stream, for example, 1024. Range = 150..20000

Resolution Mode

Select the resolution for the outbound stream:

  • Custom: Type in a horizontal and vertical (W x H) resolution, for example, 1280x720.
  • Auto (Detect Continuously) (default)
  • Auto (Detect on Stream Start)


To maintain the resolution of the outbound stream that was detected at stream start (even if the input resolution changes), select “Auto (Detect on Stream Start)”.

720x576 or lower is considered SD resolution.

WidthType in the width (in pixels) for the outbound stream.

Select the height (in pixels) for the outbound stream, either:

  • 1080, 720, 540, 480

Video Codec

Select the video compression standard for the outbound stream, either:

  • HEVC (H.265)
  • H.264 (AVC) (default)
Output FPS

Select the coded picture frame rate per second (fps):

  • Auto (Detect Continuously) (default)
  • Auto (Detect on Stream Start)
  • Select a frame rate from the list: 60..1


"Auto (Detect on Stream Start)" does a one-time early detection of the input frame rate and uses that as the fixed output frame rate for the transcoder.

"Auto (Detect Continuously)" is an additional encoding/transcoding mode where the output Frame Rate follows the source frame rate. This mode monitors the incoming frame rate and if it can detect a steady frame rate that differs from the one it is currently using, it resets the video encoder and configures it accordingly.

Video Framing

Select the number of B-frames and B reference frames per P-Frames to allow in the output stream:

  • Auto (default): The Kraken software decides how many B-Frames and B reference frames to allow
  • IP: I and P frames only (lowest delay; lowest quality)
  • IBP: I, B and P frames
  • IBBP: I, BB (two B-frames and B reference frames in sequence) and P frames (higher delay; higher quality)
  • IBBBP: I, BBB (three B-frames and B reference frames in sequence) and P frames (highest delay; highest quality)


B-Frames improve the quality by increasing the efficiency of the encoding, thus allowing higher quality at the same bitrate. But B-Frames increase the encoder processing overhead, e.g., higher CPU utilization of the encoder.

GOP Size

Type in the GOP (Group of Pictures) Size for the outbound stream, for example, 30.

Range = 0..1000


You may choose to adjust the GOP to get different video quality on the outbound stream or to make the stream compatible with a different system than the original stream was intended for.


Increasing the GOP size can increase the time required for a player to tune into the stream. Reasonable GOP sizes tend to range from half the frame rate to up to 5 times the frame rate. A GOP size equal to the output frame rate is a good rule of thumb.

Audio BitrateType in the Audio Bitrate in kbps for the outbound stream, for example, 128. Range = 14..576 Kbps
Audio Enabled

Check this checkbox to enable audio on the outbound stream.


When audio is removed on the outbound stream, the PID for the audio track is removed, as is the reference to it in the PMT.

KLV Metadata

Check this checkbox to enable KLV metadata passthrough.

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