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URL Schema

Haivision Play Pro allows the use of custom URLs to play content from HMP and non-HMP sources and stream content to a receiver.


For help setting up and watching SRT streams, Haivision has created Playmaker, a free online tool for configuring and sharing SRT Caller mode URLs and QR codes.

To configure advanced Play Pro parameters, use the following syntax. 



Everything after "<action>?" in the URL must be URL-encoded. To easily URL encode text, use a website such as:


  • load – Load a source or session from HMP.
  • play – Start the player.
  • stream – Start the encoder.
  • lineup – Add an import lineup server or file to Play Mobile Services.
  • service – Add an import HMP file to Play Mobile Services.
  • enterprise – Switch to Enterprise local mode and add an imported HMP file to Play Mobile Services.


Parameters for Load
urlHMP URL of a source or sessionValue must be URL-encoded.
Parameters for Play
urlInput URLEach protocol has its own schema. Value must be URL-encoded.
nameNameName displayed when video is playing.
Parameters for Stream
urlOutput URLEach protocol has its own schema. Value must be URL-encoded.
nameNameValue must be URL-encoded.
vbitrateVideo bitrate in Kbps
abitrateAudio bitrateValid values: 128, 192, 256.
resolutionVideo resolutionValid values: 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2160p. Not all devices support 2160p. In this case, the next lowest resolution available will be used.
framerateEncoded framerateValid values: 15, 25, 30, 50, 60. Not all devices support all framerates. Unsupported framerates will be rounded down to the nearest supported rate.
vcodecVideo codecValid values: H264, HEVC. Not all devices support HEVC. In this case, it will fallback to H264.
Parameters for Lineup
urlServer URLURL to server/file. This is a .haiplay file that has been exported from Play Pro. If it was export locked, then the user cannot edit the lineup and it will be occasionally refreshed from the server file, allowing admins to update lineups.
Parameters for HMP Service
urlHMP server URLURL of the HMP server. Value must be URL-encoded.
nameNickname of the HMP serverDisplay name of the HMP server. If present, this overrides the default name and any branding name set on the server side. Value must be URL-encoded.
Parameters for Enterprise Mode
urlHMP server URLURL of the HMP server. Value must be URL-encoded.
nameNickname of the HMP serverDisplay name of the HMP server. If present, this overrides the default name and any branding set on the server side. Value must be URL-encoded.

SRT Query Parameters

The following are SRT parameters when an SRT URL is used in any of the above URL parameters.

The stream is set to Caller mode when there is a host specified, Listener mode if host is not specified, and Rendezvous mode if a host is specified and Rendezvous is set.

EncryptionEncryption on/off0=off, 1=128AES, 2=256AES.
PassphraseEncryption passphraseMust be between 10 and 80 characters
LatencySet minimum latencySets SRTO_PEERLATENCY when sending, or SRTO_RCVLATENCY when receiving.
StreamIDStreamID stringOnly used in Caller mode. 512 characters maximum.
LocalPortPort number between 1-65535The port number to use locally. Setting it to "0" is the same as not including this parameter.
RendezvousRendezvous mode onIf a host is specified and this parameter is set, Rendezvous mode is enabled.


SRT URL query parameters must be encoded first, then the entire SRT URL needs to be encoded when it is a URL query parameter for any of the above actions.


Play Pro SRT play in Caller mode, with Encryption mode on and a passphrase of "!@#$%^&*()-":


Play Pro SRT stream in Listener mode with Encryption mode on and a passphrase of "!@#$%^&*()-":

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