Sessions with HEVC sources are not viewable in the browser. However, they can be recorded.
In the Session Player, click the icon to start recording the session.
The new video is added to the list of Videos beside the viewer (as shown in the following example), as well as to the Library's Videos list.
A red status icon indicates that the session is being recorded.
To pause recording, click the icon
A paused recording remains active.
To stop recording, click the icon.
A Stop button also appears when you hover over an active recording on the Videos list.
HMP keeps track of the duration and updates the counter value below the viewer, as well as in the Videos list.
To insert a HotMark at the current time, click the icon. For information on creating and managing HotMarks, see Managing HotMarks.
To display or hide KLV data, click the icon and select KLV – Side View or Overlay View, or Hide.
Viewing KLV data is only supported in the low-latency player. If you cannot see expected KLV data, ensure that the Low Latency checkbox is selected in the Source Settings. See Source Settings for more details in the Administrator's Guide for more details.
KLV is a licensed feature.
After recording is complete, to play the new video click the thumbnail (or anywhere in the row except Edit) on the Videos list.
The video opens in the Video Viewer, and the recording controls are replaced by playback controls. For details, see Playing Back Videos.
The general recording viewer controls are the same as in the Session Player, including adjusting the volume, resizing the viewer, and switching to full-screen mode. For details, see Viewing Sessions.
If HMP restarts or reboots while recording a program, the recording will be interrupted. The recording will resume when the system powers back up. This will create a new recording and won't append to the previous video.
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