When setting up Haivision Media Platform, you can define multiple stream outputs for users to select from when re-streaming videos. (They can also specify an IP address and port for the streaming output.) With multi-source videos, users can choose the track to re-stream and then choose a different streaming output for each track. See Re-Streaming Videos in the User's Guide.
To manage stream outputs:
Click the icon and select Administration from the navigation drop-down menu.
Click Configuration on the toolbar and then click Stream Outputs on the sidebar. The Stream Outputs pane opens, displaying the list of defined stream outputs for your system, if any (see following example).
To add a stream output:
From the Stream Outputs pane, click the icon.
On the Add Stream Output dialog, enter the name, host IP address or URL, and port for the output.
Click Add Output. The new output is added to the Stream Outputs list.
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