The Locations Topology pane provides administrators a listing of the currently configured Media Gateway locations and shows the incoming and outgoing links between locations. This is designed for large installations where sending streams from the source location directly to all other locations is not appropriate or efficient.
By default, HMP automatically distributes sources from the primary HMP server. From the Locations Topology pane, administrators can configure the incoming and outgoing links between locations to control the flow of video from site to site. From here, you can add, edit, and delete links.
To view and configure locations topology:
On the Locations pane, click the Topology tab. The Locations Topology pane opens, displaying the list of Incoming and Outgoing links for the selected location, if any. The default location is automatically selected, as shown in the following example:
To filter the list by location, type the first few characters of the location name in the Configure Location search field and then select the name from the auto-complete drop-down list (if available). Or click the icon to open the Locations pane.
To explore the links to and from the current location, click a location hyperlink. In the previous example, if you click Portland under Outgoing Links from Montreal, the pane switches to Portland for the Location and shows the defined links (in this example, an Incoming link from Montreal, but no Outgoing links).
Or you can click the icon to navigate to the Location Information pane for the currently selected location. (See Step #4 in Managing Locations.)
To add or edit a link to or from the current location:
From the Locations Topology pane, click the icon.
On the Add Link dialog, select the direction and location.
Optionally, you can override the default SRT ToS and SRT Latency values.
The two sides of an SRT connection must use the same ToS values (configured in hex format). If there is a discrepancy between locations, the receiving location defaults to the sending location's ToS value.
To enable multicast-enabled network links between locations (i.e., to avoid duplicate streams on the network), check the Multicast Routing checkbox.
Typically, if your gateways are scattered, this should be kept off, but if your gateways are in one building, enable Multicast Routing.
When editing a link, its direction and location selection cannot be modified; only Multicast Routing can be edited.
Click Add Link.
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