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Importing and Activating a Certificate


Due to the upgrade to OpenSSL 3, certificates that were generated using an older version are not supported. See Convert Unsupported Certificates to Use in HMP 4.0+ for details on how to convert the certificate to a supported format.

To import and activate a Certificate:

  1. On the Certificates pane, click Import. The Import Certificate or Private Key dialog appears.
    Import Certificate or Private Key Dialog
  2. Ensure Certificates (Identity/CA-chains/Bundles) is selected as Type.
  3. Enter the certificate name and remaining fields. See Certificate Settings for details.
  4. If your certificate is encrypted, enter the password.
  5. Drag a CA-signed certificate (CRT) to the drop area or click Choose a file and select the certificate.
  6. Click Import.
    On the Certificates pane, the newly imported certificate is added to the list and should have a green status LED.


    If you receive an "Error verifying uploaded file" message, please see Convert Unsupported Certificates to Use in HMP 4.0+.

  7. In the row for the imported certificate, click in the Active column to activate the certificate.
  8. Click Reboot and click Confirm if you have changed the active certificate.

A dialog appears informing you when the reboot is complete.

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