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Export Destination Settings

The following table lists the Export Destination configuration settings:

NameLabel for the destination.

Select the protocol type:

  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol
  • FTPS: FTP with explicit Transport Layer Security (TLS)
HostDestination server’s DNS hostname or IP address.
Port21Port number for the destination server.
UsernameLogin username for the site.
PasswordUsername's password.
Pathname(Optional) File path to use on the server, or leave blank for the server's default path.

Select the FTP data connection mode provided by your FTP administrator:

  • Passive: Passive mode may be used in situations where the client is behind a firewall and unable to accept incoming TCP connections. By default, most Web browsers use passive (PASV) mode, which more easily traverses end-user firewalls.
  • Active: In active mode, the client creates a TCP control connection.
Accept Untrusted CertificatesDisabledCheck this checkbox to allow Haivision Media Platform to connect to an FTPS server that is using an untrusted SSL certificate.
HVC Watch FolderDisabled

Check this checkbox to create an HVC-compatible mRSS (Media RSS) metadata file.


This file contains information about a recording (e.g. author, duration, key/value metadata) that can be ingested by platforms such as HVC. An HVC workflow automation script can be configured to use this watch folder on HMP.

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