Depending on your role permissions, you can create a watermark for your content to appear in the player.
Watermarks do not appear in Layouts sent to Haivision Play 2000/4000 STBs.
Watermarks do not appear on Haivision Play 1000 STBs or Apple iPad browser.
To create a watermark for a session, video, or source:
On a list such as the Videos list (shown in the following example), select an item (hover the mouse over the item and click the icon). Click Edit on the action bar. Or hover the mouse over the item and click the icon.
On the Information pane, click the Advanced tab. From here you can:
Enable, add, position, and format the watermark.
Append the username (short name when configured for JIT user provisioning), IP address, or data/timestamp that the session/video/source starts to be watched.
Click the Save button.
When viewing the content in the browser, your watermarks appear depending on your chosen settings. Sample watermark options are shown in the following images.
The message text is forced to one line. Therefore, if your message text is too long, the chosen font size may not be used.
The watermark is not embedded in the content. Therefore, if a watermark is defined for a source, it is not reflected in the session that uses that source or a video recording from that source.
Top Left
This watermark shows green text, IP address, username, and date in the top left of the video.
This watermark shows green text, IP address, username, and date in the center of the video with 50% transparency.
Center Diagonal
This watermark shows red text in the center of the video with 70% transparency and rotated diagonally.
Bottom Right
This watermark shows red text and date in the bottom right of the video with 70% transparency.
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