The number assigned to each IPTV channel can be changed by either:
Editing each channel/source.
Dragging-and-dropping the channels in the list.
Editing Each Channel
To change the channel numbers by editing the channels/sources:
Click the channel to edit.
In the dialog that opens, edit the channel number textbox:
Click the Save button.
Click the button to return to the IPTV channel list.
Repeat steps 1-4 for each channel you wish to edit.
The channel list is updated with the new channel numbers and new channel order, if applicable.
Dragging-and-Dropping Each Channel
Before using the drag-and-drop method, please note the following:
You cannot undo a drag-and-drop operation.
Updates to the channel list are automatically saved as they are made.
Dragging-and-dropping one channel may update the channel numbers of others.
To drag-and-drop channels to change the channel numbers:
Click the button to enable the drag-and-drop function.
Drag a channel you wish to change the channel number of to the new channel number location. In the below screenshot, channel #3 is dragged above channel #2.
Press the ESC key on your keyboard to cancel the drag-and-drop operation.
Drop the channel in the new desired place in the channel list.
The channel number for the channel you dragged-and-dropped is updated, and if necessary all channels that follow it. For example, in the following screenshot, after dropping channel #3 above channel #2:
The previous channel #3 is updated to channel #2
The previous channel #2 is updated to channel #3
Click the button to disable the drag-and-drop function.
Example IPTV Drag-and-Drop Operations
Given the following channel list, see the following sections for various outcomes using the drag-and-drop function.
Drag #10 to Top
After dragging channel #10 to the top of the list:
Channel #10 becomes channel #1. The previous channels #1-3 are renumbered to #2-4.
Drag #11 before #10
After dragging channel #11 to between channel #3 and #10:
Channel #11 becomes channel #4. No other channel numbers are changed.
Drag #10 after #20
After dragging channel #10 to between channel #20 and #30:
Channel #10 becomes channel #21. No other channel numbers are changed.
Drag #30 after #11
After dragging channel #30 to between channel #11 and #12:
Channel #30 becomes channel #12 and channel #12 is renumbered to #13.
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