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Adding an External Link to the Navigation Toolbar

It is possible to add an additional link into the HMP navigation toolbar that goes to an address of your choice:

  1. SSH into HMP and elevate to root access.
  2. Issue the following commands, where <url> is the full URL including the protocol identifier (e.g. https://), and <label> is the label used for the link in the toolbar:

    set_config calypso.system_settings.externalUrlForLink.url "<url>"
    set_config calypso.system_settings.externalUrlForLink.label "<label>"

    For example:

    set_config calypso.system_settings.externalUrlForLink.url ""
    set_config calypso.system_settings.externalUrlForLink.label "Haivision Website"


  3. The change takes affect immediately. Refresh your web browser to see the results:

To remove the link from the toolbar use a blank string in the URL command:

set_config calypso.system_settings.externalUrlForLink.url ""

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