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Adding Export Destinations

When setting up Haivision Media Platform, administrators can add export destinations for video and metadata to FTP/FTPS servers and the Haivision Video Cloud (HVC) platform. Then, these destinations are available for users to select when exporting videos. For more information, see Managing Exports and Exporting Videos in the User's Guide.

To view and manage the export destinations:

  1. Click the 
     icon and select Administration from the navigation drop-down menu.
  2. Click Configuration on the toolbar and then click Export Destinations on the sidebar. 
    The Export Destinations pane opens, displaying the list of defined destinations for your platform, if any.
    Export Destinations Pane

To add an export destination:

  1. From the Export Destinations pane, click the
  2. On the Add Export Destination dialog, enter a destination name and enter/select values to define the destination. See Export Destination Settings.
    Add Export Destination Dialog
  3. To test the connection, click Test Settings.

  4. Click Add Destination. The new export destination is added to the list.
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