This section shows how to view and edit device settings and send control commands to devices. To schedule control command events for devices, see Scheduling Devices.
To view and manage devices registered in this domain:
Click Devices on the navigation bar. The Devices screen opens listing the devices (STBs) registered in this HMP domain.
The Devices list displays summary information for each set-top box, including the status, name, source, current volume, device type, IP address, MAC address, HEVC/4K-support status, and assigned tags. Four colors indicate the device's connection status:
The device is powered on, connected, and displaying video.
Play 1000 STB: The device is locked, awaiting PIN entry. Play 2000/4000 STBs: The device's diagnostic web server (DWS) is enabled.
The device is disconnected, or there is a firmware version mismatch.
Typically, a firmware mismatch is caused by expired or untrusted SSL certificates on the STB. Load proper certificates for the firmware to automatically update.
The device is powered off, or the STB's Settings screen is displayed.
If your STB shows a "no event stream connection" error, exit the STB Settings screen by pressing the icon on the STB remote.
Sorting the List
You can click a column heading to select the column to sort the list by, for example, by device name or by source. Clicking again toggles the sort order between ascending and descending. In the following example, the list is sorted by source in ascending order.
Items per Page
To change the number of items to display per page, select the number from the Items/Page drop-down menu (the default is 100).
To search for devices, enter the name or IP address in the Search field and click the icon or press Enter.
The magnifying glass changes to red indicating that the search filter is active.
Filter by Device Type
You can filter the displayed list by the device type. Click the Device dropdown and select which device type to filter by.
Filter by Tags
You can also filter the displayed list by tags (if defined on your system). Simply click in the Tag dropdown and select the tag to filter by. This is useful to narrow down and manage a long list of devices. To add or delete tags, see Editing Device Settings.
Selecting Multiple Devices
Multiple devices can be selected by clicking the checkbox next to each device in the list. Holding the Shift key on your keyboard can also be used to bulk select items in the list. For example, click the first STB's checkbox in the list, press and hold the Shift key, and click the tenth STB's checkbox. All 10 STBs are selected.
From the Devices list, you can select one or multiple devices and perform these actions:
Edit the device name and settings. You can bulk-edit some but not all device settings. See Editing Device Settings.
Remove inactive devices from the HMP domain. See Removing Devices.
Schedule control command events, either one-time or recurring, on devices. See Scheduling Devices.
To specify the default settings assigned to new devices, as well as create tags for tag-based configuration of devices, see Setting Default Set-Top Box Values in the Administrator's Guide.
If no tags are defined on your system, the Tag drop-down is not visible.
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