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User Resources


The users REST API is used to get a list of user accounts enabled for HMP access. Depending on the system configuration, this may be a list of users from the HMP internal database, or a list of users from the linked AD or LDAP Directory Server. A user is considered to have access to HMP when there is a role associated with the user or one of the groups to which it belongs. The users REST API can be used to get the user name or user id to share a video or session with. See Create Session Share Permissons  and Create Video Share Permissions.


When the dn, username, displayName, and email attributes are sourced from a remote directory server, they are read-only properties of the HMP users resource. Data is never written back to the remote directory server.

User Parameters

PropertyJSON TypeProperty TypeDescription
idStringImmutableIdentifies the resource, generated by HMP.
usernameStringImmutableThe user's login name, e.g., bsmith.
displayNameStringIgnoredThe user’s friendly name, e.g., Bob Smith.
emailStringIgnoredThe user's email address.

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