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Managing Imports and Exports


Access to Import/Export capabilities depends on your permissions. If you have questions about your access permissions, please contact your system administrator.

Also, you cannot import or export videos from a mobile device.

Haivision Media Platform supports manually initiated import/export, enabling users with appropriate permissions to:

  • Download an HMP video as an MP4 or TS (Transport Stream) file.
  • Import an HMP-compatible MP4 or TS (Transport Stream) video to HMP (e.g., re-import a video edited using third party editors).
  • Edit metadata during import.
  • Import HMP XML metadata.
  • Assign metadata to the uploaded video.
  • Export videos and metadata from HMP to an FTP or FTPS server.
  • Export HVC-compatible mRSS metadata.
  • Batch export, through which users may select and queue several videos to be exported.
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