The Live Review licensed option allows you to interact directly with sessions while they are actively recording. Available interactivity includes:
Viewing past recorded content of the current Session using trick play controls (i.e., jump to beginning, skip forward/backward 10 seconds, slow motion, fast forward, and jump to live).
Setting hotmarks at any point in time within the recording video.
Trimming the recording video to create clips.
Downloading still image snapshots of the current player position in the video.
Live Review is currently in Preview Mode.
The permissions given to recordings created by Live Review depend on the "Videos Inherit Permissions" setting to ensure that the current user can interact with the past recorded content within the Live Review session. When enabled, the permissions of the session are given to the recorded video. When disabled, only the recording creator is granted OWN permission. To change this setting, as an administrator:
Click the icon and select Administration from the navigation drop-down menu.
Click Configuration on the toolbar and then click Videos/Sessions on the sidebar.
Enable the Videos Inherit Permissions checkbox.
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