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HMP Objects

The HMP Command Line API can create and manipulate a variety of objects that reside on the HMP system. This section provides a brief description of their functions.


Each unique HMP object is assigned a randomly generated identifier (ID) when it is created. Commands use these IDs to refer to the specific objects they create or affect.


A source is an available (incoming) HMP-compatible MPEG-TS video stream that HMP content creators can use to generate a session.


A session is a collection of one to four video sources that are identified to provide live viewing, recording, and metadata storage. See Sessions API.


A recording is a collection of one to four stored videos for playback and metadata storage.

Recording Type


Active Recording

An active recording is a recording that is currently being created by recording a session's sources. When it is paused, it becomes a paused recording. When it is stopped it becomes a finished recording.

Paused Recording

A paused recording is an active recording that has been suspended. When it is resumed, it becomes an active recording. When it is stopped, it becomes a finished recording.

Finished Recording

A finished recording is a recording that has been finalized and is available for playback in its entirety. It is no longer considered active and it may not be paused or resumed.

See Recordings API.


A stream is an HMP-compatible MPEG-TS video stream that is generated by HMP as it restreams a finished recording.

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