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Metadata JSON entities consist of an array of Metadata Entries. Each entry has a key and an array containing one or more fields. Each field contains a single typed value. Fields require a type and appropriate value property.

The value of an HMP metadata field can be a string, a 32-bit signed integer, or a 32-bit unsigned integer. Each supported field type has a corresponding JSON value property:

  • STRING - valueString

  • INT32 - valueInt32

  • UINT32 - valueUint32

HMP does not restrict the names of the contents of metadata entries. However, it uses several entries to store specific information:

  • calypso:recorded_from_session has a STRING field that is the id of the generated session.
  • calypso:creator has a STRING field that is the username of the HMP user who created the session or video.
  • calypso:creatorDisplayName has a STRING field that is the display name of the HMP user who created the session or video.
  • calypso:expiration_timestamp has an INT32 field that contains the time a video should expire and be removed from the system. Time is in seconds since the Unix epoch.
  • Metadata elements with the prefix calypso:category: are used to store Category values. Each category can have multiple STRING fields.
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