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Configuring Watch Folders

Administrators can also create, edit, and delete a watched folder (enabled either as an Network File System (NFS) or Local folder) that can be configured for permission-based writing (by HMP users). HMP watch folders also support import/ingest of XML sidecar metadata for media assets, and XMLTV files with custom EPG data. The watch folder is a single ingest folder, and HMP processes it recursively.


Files that have been synced from a watch folder do not reappear if they have expired or been removed from HMP (or otherwise made offline).

To configure a watch folder:

  1. On the Network Storage pane, click the Watch Folder tab.
  2. Toggle the Watch Folder button to On.
    Watch Folder Pane
  3. Select the folder type. The watch folder can either be on a separate NFS mount or local to the /assets directory (which may itself be on a physical HMP drive or on a separate NFS volume).
    If you choose NFS, provide a remote host address and path.
  4. Click Save Settings to save the connection.
  5. Click Reboot and click  Confirm to restart the HMP server.

A dialog appears informing you when the reboot is complete.


To automatically import from a Makito X with Storage:

  1. The Makito X export manager creates a folder named "recordings" on the Makito X-configured external storage (NFS or FTP).
  2. On HMP, configure the Watch Folder settings to point to this recordings folder to automatically import videos.
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