From the Appliance pane, you may configure the following additional system security settings:
FIPS compliance
Streams from the source to Haivision Media Platform may be unencrypted, depending on whether you are using UDP or SRT.
High Security (STIG) Environment hardening settings
Web Server security and policy settings
Advisory Notice & Consent Banner
Lock STB Settings button
Block Local User Login
To configure appliance security:
On the Security page, click the Appliance tab.
Under Appliance:
To configure FIPS compliance, toggle the FIPS button to On. See the Appliance entry in Security Settings.
To enable security hardening features for high-security environments, toggle the High Security (STIG) Environment button to On.
Under Web Server, to configure security and policy settings, specify the HTTPS or HTTP port, SSL protocols, and SSL cipher values, as required. See the Web Server entry in Security Settings.
Port number changes take effect immediately and affect ongoing operations using the service at that port.
Under Advisory Notice & Consent Banner, to configure a banner, toggle Advisory Notice to On and enter the desired banner text.
Under STB, toggle the Lock Settings button to disable the Settings button on the Haivision Play 2000/4000 STB remote.
Under Access, toggle the Block Local User Login to disable local user account access, except for the whitelisted subnets defined in the Allowed Subnets address and mask fields. Click Subnet button to add additional subnets.
Click Save Settings to save the connection.
Click Reboot and clickConfirm for the new settings to take effect.
All settings except for those within Web Server and STB require a reboot.
A dialog appears informing you when the reboot is complete.
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