In case of an error on an API call, the API returns a response with the appropriate HTTP status code and an error message encapsulated in the body:
{ "code": "xxxxxx", "message": "Error message here...", "httpStatusCode": "xxx", "name": "yyy" } |
Errors codes are grouped by status codes:
Error Code | HTTP Status Code |
00xxxx | Command Line API errors, Unknown errors |
01xxxx | 400 Bad Request |
02xxxx | 401 Not Authorized |
03xxxx | 403 Forbidden |
04xxxx | 404 Not Found |
05xxxx | 405 Method Not Allowed |
06xxxx | 409 Conflict |
07xxxx | 500 Internal Server Error |
08xxxx | 501 Not Implemented |
09xxxx | 503 Service Unavailable |
100000 | 415 Unsupported Media Type |