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Directory Services Settings

The following tables list the settings used when the User Provisioning option is set to Directory Services.


TypeActive Directory

Select your authentication server type:

  • Active Directory
  • OpenLDAP
Follow ReferralsEnabled

Referral following is enabled when this checkbox is checked (default).

  • When enabled and HMP's LDAP client searches for users or groups, it recursively creates new connections to search other servers referenced by the Directory Services server that is currently being searched.
  • When disabled, the LDAP client does not connect to any other servers besides the one specified by the Connection settings.


In certain environments, you may want to disable referrals: For example, in troublesome environments or in places where referral servers do not add any useful information about the configured users.


IP AddressThe IP address or domain name of the server that hosts the authentication server.
Port389The communications port that the authentication service uses. The default value is 389 (the standard port used for LDAP connections). The default is 636 for SSL connections.

Select the encryption protocol:

  • Basic: Unencrypted connection
  • SSL: Secure Socket Layer (recommended)
UsernameThe username for HMP to connect to your authentication system and query it for the required information. The user account needs to have permission to connect to the server and read the information in the authentication directory.
PasswordThe password that corresponds with the user name provided for the Username field.
Sync Interval60 minutes

The directory server sync interval.


  • Changing this value triggers a sync of the directory server.
  • We recommend setting this value to once per day (1440 minutes).
  • If you would like the sync to occur at a certain time of day, at that time of day change this value to 1440. 


Base DN

The Base DN (Distinguished Name) used by your authentication system. This setting should be provided by your AD/LDAP administrator. For example: ou=staff,dc=haivision,dc=com


Spaces are not allowed unless they are part of the path.


If the Base DN is wrong, HMP is not able to access the groups. When the connection test succeeds, a list of the first 10 users and groups appears. (See example in Connecting to a Directory Server.)

User Context

The DN of the context (container) where your authentication system users can be found. This setting should be provided by your AD/LDAP administrator. For example: ou=people,dc=haivision,dc=com


If the User Context is wrong, users are not able to sign in correctly. For example, they may only have the anonymous privileges or even a blank screen.


To simplify management of user bases, you can specify separate search bases for User and Group objects. You can also input multiple User Contexts (separated by line feeds, i.e., each line is a new context).

Group Context

The DN of the context where your authentication system groups can be found. This setting should be provided by your AD/LDAP administrator.


See previous note to input multiple Group Contexts.

User AttributesAMAccountNameThe user attribute your directory system uses. OpenLDAP systems normally use cn or uid. Active Directory systems normally use sAMAccountName; However, userPrincipalName is also supported for signing in using email addresses.
Member AttributememberOfThe member attribute your directory system uses. OpenLDAP systems normally use member or memberUid, while Active Directory systems normally use memberOf.
Group Object Class(|(objectClass= group) (objectClass= groupOfNames ))Object class query for groups. The default works with almost all directory servers
User Object Class(objectClass= person)Object class query for users. The default works with almost all directory servers.
Query Page Size1000Sets the size of a page for paged results. Paged results are typically supported, but the supported page size may need to be configured for your site. If the requested size is not supported by the LDAP server, a non-paged query is attempted. The default on most directory servers is 1000.

Data Mapping

Group NamecnHMP needs these fields to read from the directory server. The defaults should work on most systems. If your system uses different attribute names, configure them here.
Display NamedisplayName
User Principal Name


Single Sign-On

Single Sign-OnOffTo configure Single Sign-on, see Integrating HMP with Single Sign-On (SSO) Environments.
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