Available SSL Ciphers include various AES encryption ciphers.
Advisory Notice and Consent Banner
You may also configure an Advisory Notice and Consent Banner to appear when users first access the web interface's and Console UI's log in screen. The banner is typically an advisory/warning notice the user must consent to before signing in. For example:
To configure appliance security:
In the side menu under Administration, click System Settings.
Click Security in the navigation toolbar.
To enable/disable SSL protocols use the SSL Protocol checkboxes.
To add SSL ciphers, under SSL Ciphers click the icon and select the desired cipher. To remove a cipher click the icon for each added cipher.
To enable HSTS, toggle the HTTP Strict Transport Security button to On.
To configure a banner, toggle the Advisory Notice button to On, and enter the desired banner text in the Message textbox.
Click the Save Settings button.
Click the Reboot button to have your security configuration changes take effect.
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