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Disabling Web User Accounts

With Haivision Media Gateway and SRT Gateway 3.7+, you can disable the built-in web interface user accounts. To disable the accounts:

  1. SSH into your Gateway.
  2. Elevate to root:
    su root
  3. Run the following commands for the accounts you wish to disable:
    echo >/opt/haivision/madra/data/disable_haiadmin
    echo >/opt/haivision/madra/data/disable_operator
    echo >/opt/haivision/madra/data/disable_user

To re-enable the accounts:

  1. SSH into your Gateway.
  2. Elevate to root:
    su root
  3. Run the following commands for the accounts you wish to re-enabled:
    rm -f /opt/haivision/madra/data/disable_haiadmin
    rm -f /opt/haivision/madra/data/disable_operator
    rm -f /opt/haivision/madra/data/disable_user
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