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Creating a Virtual Server

Signing in to AWS

  1. Sign in to your AWS account:
  2. After you have successfully logged in to the AWS portal, click Services > Compute > EC2.

Creating a Virtual Instance

  1. On the EC2 Dashboard, click the Launch Instance button.
    Launch instance
  2. Enter the instance Name and add additional tags if necessary.
  3. Under Application and OS Images, click Browse more AMIs.
  4. Type "Haivision" in the search box and press Enter. If no results appear, click the AWS Marketplace AMIs tab.
  5. Find the Media Gateway/SRT Gateway image from the list. Click the Select button corresponding to the version of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) you wish to use, PAYG or BYOL.
    Marketplace link
  6. Review the product and pricing details, and then click Subscribe Now.
  7. Choose an Instance Type.


    • Only current generation instances, which are built on the Nitro system are supported and available for selection.
    • For high bandwidth streams or critical viewing requirements, we recommend using Compute Optimized C5 Instances (e.g. c5.xlarge, c5.2xlarge, etc.) tiers, as they are optimized for compute-intensive workloads.
    • See the following table for the correlation between the BYOL SKUs and the recommended AWS instance type.

    Instance Type

    HMG BYOL SKUHSG BYOL SKUAWS InstancevCPUsRAMSuggested # of Routes/Destinations
    MI-SG10-AWS-BYOLc5.xlarge48 GB
    • 10 Routes with 1 Destination each or
    • 5 Routes with 2 Destinations each
    MI-MG200-AWS-BYOLMI-SG20-AWS-BYOLc5.2xlarge816 GB
    • 20 Routes with 1 Destination each,
    • 10 Routes with 2 Destinations each, or
    • 5 Routes with 4 Destinations each
    MI-MG500-AWS-BYOLMI-SG50-AWS-BYOLc5.4xlarge1632 GB
    • 50 Routes with 1 Destination each,
    • 25 Routes with 2 Destinations each, or
    • 5 Routes with 10 Destinations each
    MI-SG-UL-AWS-BYOLc5.9xlarge3264 GB
    • 100 Routes with 3 Destinations each
  8. Under Create key pair, select or create a public/private RSA key pair that is used to authenticate SSH sessions.


    SSH access to the Console UI is only allowed via SSH public key.

  9. Under Network Settings, click Edit.


    Choosing Enable under Auto-assign Public IP gives your server an IP address reachable from any location.

    Network settings

  10. Under Inbound Security Group Rules, make sure you have the following ports open:
    • Port 80 and 443 for HTTP/HTTPS access to the web interface
    • Port 22 for SSH access to the Console UI interface
    • Custom ports to allow incoming UDP traffic, such as SRT streams (use Custom UDP Rule). See SRT for more information.


      Only ports 80, 443, and 22 are open by default.

      Security group rules

  11. Under Configure Storage, set the amount of storage space you wish to make available to the server.


    • The default storage is sufficient for most Media Gateway/SRT Gateway operations. However, if you intend to use Media Gateway/SRT Gateway in conjunction with a video server (such as using Media Gateway with Haivision Media Platform), having additional storage allows you to benefit from local caching on the virtual server.
    • You may wish to choose Delete on Termination to have the storage space automatically removed if you cancel your subscription for the server instance. This option is disabled by default. Click the Advanced button to change this option on both volumes.

  12. Under Advanced Details, ensure that Metadata version V1 and V2 (token optional) is selected. IMDSv2 support is expected in a future Gateway version.
  13. In Summary, leave the Number of Instances at 1.
  14. Review your settings, and make any necessary corrections or changes. When you are satisfied, click Launch Instance. A page appears, informing you that your instance is in the process of launching.
    Launching instance
  15. After the instance successfully launches, click on the instance ID to view its properties:
    Launch complete
  16. After the Instance State changes to "Running", reboot the virtual server by selecting it in the AWS View Instances page and clicking Instance State > Reboot.
  17. Confirm rebooting in the confirmation dialog box by clicking the Reboot button.
    Reboot confirmation
  18. Return to the AWS View Instances page. In the row corresponding to your server, take note of the Public IP address and Instance ID assigned by AWS to your instance. The Instance ID is the default password for signing into web interface.

At this point, your virtual server is up and running!

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