Starting, Stopping, and Deleting a Destination Node
You may start or stop a destination node on either the Route List screen or the Edit Route page:
Route List screen
On the Route List screen:
Expand the route by clicking the icon.
Click the or icon to start or stop the destination, respectively.
Click the Confirm button to confirm your action.
Edit Route page
On the Edit Route page:
Locate the desired destination to start or stop at the bottom of the page.
Either, click the or icon to start or stop the destination, respectively. Or check the checkboxes next to each destination you wish to start/stop, and click the Start/Stop button.
Click the Confirm button to confirm your action.
To delete a destination node:
On the Route List screen, click on the desired route to open the Edit Route page.
On the Edit Route page, locate the desired destination to delete.
Either, click the icon at the end of the listing to Delete the corresponding destination. Or check the checkboxes next to each destination you wish to delete, and click the Delete button.
Click the Confirm button to confirm the deletion.
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