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Source Statistics Object Model

The following source statistics model is returned after issuing the Get Device Configuration and Get Source Statistics API commands. The definition depends on the source protocol.

UDP, RTP, RTMP, and RTSP Source
namestringName of the source.
idstringUnique identifier for the source.
modestringUnicast or multicast.
elapsedRunningTimestringEither an empty string (for idle routes), or a string in HH:MM:SS format (e.g. 00:03:46).
signalLossesnumberNumber of signal losses.
sendRatenumberPacket send rate in Mbits/s.
numPacketsnumberNumber of packets sent.
usedBandwidthnumberBandwidth used in Mbits/s.
bitrate number
Stream bitrate in Mbits/s.
statestringSource state: disconnected, connecting, connection established, or connected.
fecLostPacketsnumberNumber of lost FEC packets.
fecRecoveredPacketsnumberNumber of recovered FEC packets.
fecUnrecoveredPacketsnumberNumber of unrecovered FEC packets.
fecReorderedPacketsnumberNumber of reordered FEC packets.
SRT Source
namestringName of the source.
idstringUnique identifier for the source.
modestringSRT mode: caller, listener, or rendezvous.
elapsedRunningTimestringEither an empty string (for idle routes), or a string in HH:MM:SS format (e.g. 00:03:46).
signalLossesnumberNumber of signal losses.
sendRatenumberPacket send rate in Mbits/s.
numPacketsnumberNumber of packets sent.
usedBandwidthnumberBandwidth used in Mbits/s.
bitrate number
Stream bitrate in Mbits/s.
statestringSource state: disconnected, connecting, connection established, or connected.
srtNumLostPackagesnumberSRT number of lost packages.
srtRetransmitRatenumberSRT retransmit rate in bits/s.
srtRoundTripTimenumberSRT round trip time in ms.
srtNegotiatedLatencynumberSRT latency in ms.
srtLatencynumberSRT latency in ms.
srtEncryptionstringSRT encryption.
srtPacketLossRatenumberSRT packet loss rate.
srtNumSkippedPacketsnumberSRT number of skipped packet.
srtDecryptionStatestringSRT decryption state: <empty>, active, initializing, inactive (no passphrase), inactive (invalid passphrase).
srtBufferLevelnumberSRT buffer time in ms.
connectionsobjectAn array of SRT source connections objects. See SRT Statistics Connections Object Model.
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