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Administration Screens

If logged in as an administrator, the Administration screens allows you to configure various options for your Haivision Media Gateway/SRT Gateway. The options on each of the four administration screens are grouped into categories listed in a toolbar at the top of the screen. The currently selected category is indicated as bold and underlined. The view pane displays the appropriate fields or items for your chosen category. Likewise, selections made in the view pane may also alter the available fields or options in the view pane. For example:

To navigate to the Administration screens, click one of the sections under Administration in the side menu. The available sections and subsequent screens are:

Administration SectionsAvailable Screens

Haivision Hub (SRT Gateway Only) — Provides the status and settings pane for pairing the SRT Gateway with Haivision Hub.
Media Platform (Media Gateway Only) — Provides the status and settings pane for pairing the Media Gateway with a Haivision Media Platform server.
Presets — Allows you to export the current configuration as a preset file and import a preset file and apply it to the device.

Access Control

Accounts — Identifies the current roles (administrator, operator, and observer) on the system and the members for each. Allows you to change the user passwords.

System Settings

Certificates — Allows you to install an TLS security certificate.
Licensing — Allows you to add/update licenses and view their limits and status.
Network — Provides access to the network configuration settings, as well as information on the interfaces.
Security — Allows you to enable security hardening features for a high-security environment, configure SSL protocols, ciphers, and HSTS support, and add an advisory banner.
Update — Identifies the currently installed bundle and allows you to update to a new version of software.


Report — Offers access to a number of different logs providing system, application, and diagnostic messages.
System Activity — Provides quick statistics on the system (bandwidth and CPU/memory usage), hardware information, and disk space statistics.
Detailed Info — Provides detailed charts of the system statistics (bandwidth and CPU/memory usage).

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