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Preferences/About Screen

The Preferences/About screen allows you to:

  • Customize the brightness and contrast of the web interface.
  • Change the color scheme of the interface: light or dark.
  • View the current product edition, version, and build of your software.

To adjust brightness and contrast of the web interface:

  1. In the side menu click Preferences/About.
  2. Under the Preferences section, adjust the sliders to the desired brightness and contrast settings.
  3. Click the Save Changes button to save the settings, or click the Reset All button to restore the default brightness and contrast.

To change the color theme of the interface:

  1. In the side menu click Preferences/About.
  2. Under the Preferences section, select either Light Theme or Dark Theme.

  3. Click the Save Changes button to save your change.

To view the current version and build of your software:

  1. In the side menu click Preferences/About.
  2. Under the About section, the product edition, version number, and build number is shown.

About screen

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