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Security Settings

The following table lists the configurable Haivision EMS Security settings.


Please contact your Network Administrator if you are unsure what to put in any of these fields or if you are unsure whether the setting is required on your network.

Web Server



To configure the Web port for EMS:

  • HTTP Port number (Default = 80)
  • HTTPS Port number (Default = 443)
SSL ProtocolsTo specify which TLS (Transport Layer Security) versions are accepted, click the checkboxes: TLS v1.2 and/or TLS v1.3.
SSL Ciphers

To specify which SSL Ciphers are accepted, select from the drop-down list or type in another cipher name:

SSL Ciphers Field

Advisory Notice & Consent Banner
Advisory Notice

When enabled, the banner will appear when users sign in (console, SSH and Web interface) and remain on the screen until the administrator acknowledges the usage conditions and takes explicit actions for further access. The banner is typically an advisory/warning notice to be displayed before the Sign In screen.

To enable the banner (as shown in the text box), toggle the Advisory Notice button to On.

Type or copy the banner text into the text box.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.