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Product Features

Key Haivision EMS features include the following:

Discovery & Management

Discover Haivision Makito X, X4, X1 and FX devices and pair them with EMS for robust and secure bidirectional communication. Remotely manage multiple devices through one centralized interface.

Makito Stream, Encoder & Decoder Management

Start, stop and monitor status of Makito streams, encoders and decoders right from the EMS device list.

Device Properties & Data Export

Device properties such as serial number, uptime, IP address, and more are all viewable from a single interface. Export a list of all currently paired devices (offline and online) with their respective properties and status.

Device Upgrades & Licensing

Firmware packages and license updates can be uploaded to EMS in a central repository and deployed to paired devices.

Next-Generation User Experience

Quickly and easily monitor and manage your devices using the streamlined and updated user interface.

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