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Using a Genlock Input


  • In Multi-encoding mode, when no Genlock Input is selected and SDI 1 is selected for encoder 1, the Video Source for encoders 2, 3, and 4 is forced respectively to SDI2, SDI3, and SDI4 with no possibility to change.
  • The Sync Input supports SD Black Burst and HD Tri-level signals in the following formats: PAL, NTSC, 720p25, 720p29.97, 720p30, 720p50, 720p59.94, 720p60, 1080i50, 1080i59.94, 1080i60, 1080p25, 1080p29.97, 1080p30, 1080p50, 1080p59.94, 1080p60. 
Unit Panel
  1. From the Home menu, tap
  2. Tap on
    Arrow down icon
    the Genlock Input field to select the desired input used for synchronizing the encoders.
Web Interface
  1. In the sidebar, click Streaming > Input/Output.
  2. In the Synchronization pane's Genlock Input dropdown, select the desired input used for synchronizing the encoders.
    Genlock Input
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