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Product Presentation

The Rack400 is our latest generation of video encoder designed for space-constrained live production, including contribution applications and remote/at-home productions. Multi-camera production in HD or single pristine 4K UHD capabilities are combined with mission-critical transmission in this compact half 1U solution.

Our encoder is designed to be deployed on fixed/remote locations, directly connected to wired IP networks, offering a real cost-effective alternative to satellite or fiber. The solution is also suitable for installing in vans or trucks, connected to a roof-mounted Haivision Quad CellLink (active 3G/4G multi-antennas) and/or Ka satellite, enabling video broadcast from any place around the globe, even in the midst of unpredictable and unmanaged network conditions.

The Rack400 supports the latest generation of UHD H.265/HEVC hardware encoders offering premium video quality with optimized data usage and low end-to-end latency (down to 0.2 sec). The widely adopted H.264/AVC format is still supported for compliancy with deployed infrastructures. Our innovative design enables multiple encoding and transmission workflows from single HD source for news, to multiple HD sources (up to 4) for sports, through single 4K UHD for premium events coverage.

The Rack400 can help your Remote Production or At-Home Production reach its full potential. It provides robust and error-free transmission over any network such as cellular, satellite, IP leased line or over the Internet. It is made possible thanks to our Emmy® awarded SST Technology (Safe Stream Transport). This technology offers advanced techniques of network aggregation, Adaptive Packet Retransmission (ARQ) and Forward Error Correction (FEC) to reach the upper network throughout and maximizes the Quality of Service.  It ensures the delivery of video even in the midst of unpredictable and unmanaged network conditions by:

  • Aggregating simultaneously multiple network connections,
  • Dynamically adapting the video bitrate according to network bandwidth fluctuations,
  • Protecting stream content,
  • Supporting retransmission of lost data.
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